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Class Notes 9/10 ~ William Robinson There are 0 replies:
Class Notes 9/10 ~ William Robinson Original post: Wed 9/10/2014 at 1:53 PM

Incentives are a major part of economics.

Material Incentives- looking for the best price at many different locations to get the lowest price possible.

Moral Incentives- doing something for moral reasons, not for personal gain.

Social Divisions:

1. Gender

2. Age

3. Race/Ethnicity

4. Wealth/Status

5. Religion

Many people say that if women's sports got more sponsorship and media coverage, they would be more popular than they are today.

To judge sport popularity, we can use many different gauges, such as commercial appeal, media appeal, and consumer appeal.

Those are all independent variables, that have an effect on the popularity and the success of a sport.

Sponsors are unwilling to finance individuals or sports teams that don't get good exposure and few female athletes get the desired exposure.

according to the WSFF women's sports got only 7% of coverage and 0.4% of value of commercial sponsorships.

Cultural Incentive- being drawn to something or doing something because of cultural pressures or desiring to belong to a group or culture

There are many variables that affect how likely it is to be a professional coach, such as education, gender and the popularity of the sport as well as how much experience you have at the professional level.

If soccer were to become more popular in the United States there is a good chance we would see more female coaches.

The power of suggestion works because it is on a subconscious level, we often can be exposed to it without even knowing.

Psychology is very interested in studying our motivations and our personality.