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12/10 Original post: Wed 12/10/2014 at 9:45 AM

Reading Assignment on Muslim America


- Discussion of indicators of integration of Muslims

- U.S. vs Europe

- Census does not ask about faith

- 4.5% in Britain

- 5% in Germany

- Closer

- European union does not require passport to go other countries in Europe 

- Boarders have become weaker

- This made it easier for Muslims to migrate

- Countries are smaller

- Colonialism

- The geographic diversity of Muslims are very important

- They lack it in Europe but have a lot of it in U.S.

- Shared language

- Shared heritage

- More cohesive grouping in Europe

- Less cohesive in U.S.

- Mixing breeds tolerance with U.S. Muslims

- Less tolerance among European Muslims

- Less extremism in U.S., more in Europe

- Likely to have entrance to middle class or above, in Europe they are very poor

- Suburbs are very poor places in Europe

- In U.S. they are more affluent, Europe they are poorer

- U.S. has less labor restrictions or regulations

- Newcomer to a European country it will be hard to enter the job market

- Rigidity

- Life is worse for women in Muslim countries